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Czech general paediatricians can get involved in this ongoing survey study.

Dear colleague,

We would like to ask you for your help with mapping the current situation in the use of anticonvulsive drugs in the Czech Republic in children under the age of three. The information obtained in this survey will later be used as one of the reference materials for planned studies and the results will be published in a Czech journal for paediatricians.

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete the survey. It can be downloaded from the link below ("SURVEY - ANTICONVULSANTS"). This questionnaire can be conveniently completed electronically and then you can choose one of the following options for signing it and sending it back to us:

1) You can sign the completed questionnaire electronically (according to the following instructions) and send it to our e-mail address ( ).

2) You can print, then sign and send the completed questionnaire by Czech Post to the following address:

MUDr. Pavla Pokorná, PhD

Klinika dětského a dorostového lékařství

Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice a 1.LF UK Praha

Ke Karlovu 2

121 09 PRAHA 2

3) You can print, then sign, scan and send the completed questionnaire to our e-mail address ( ).

If you are thinking about engaging your patients in clinical pharmacology trials in the future, we also recommend downloading the “List of patients” file to record which patients you have included in this survey study, making it easier for you to return to them if necessary. Please do not send this list to us in order to protect the patients’ personal data! At the moment, it is for your purposes only, and the information and data we collect from you must be FULLY ANONYMOUS.

Thank you for your time. The information will serve as a basis for conducting non-commercial clinical trials to improve dosage regimens in children suffering from seizures.

If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail ( ) or by phone (+420 728 024 347 (MUDr. Pokorná), +420 602 249 020 (MUDr. Cabrnochová), +420 723 252 580 (Mrs. Černá).

Direct download links:


List of patients

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Contact Us

MUDr. Pokorná Pavla Ph.D.: pavla.pokorna@vfn.cz; pokornakarlov@seznam.cz

Prof. MUDr. Slanař Ondřej Ph.D.: oslan@lf1.cuni.cz