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Project conect4children (c4c)

Collaboration in neonatal and pediatric clinical pharmacology

Investigators: MUDr. Pavla Pokorná PhD1,2,3, Prof. MUDr.Ondřej Slanař PhD1


1) Institute of Pharmacology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague, Albertov 4, 128 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

2) Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague, Ke Karlovu 2, 121 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

3) Intensive Care and Department of Pediatric Surgery, Erasmus MC - Sophia Childrens Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands


The conect4children project is planned for the period 2018-2024 (http://www.imi.europa.eu/). Charles University joined the project on December 23, 2017, and the Institute of Pharmacology, First Faculty of Medicine and the General University Hospital together with the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine and the General University Hospital became the coordinating center for the Czech and Slovak Republic. The project is implemented under the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2). It is a project co-funded by the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry. The project involves 34 academic centers and 10 commercial partners.


The aim of the project is to create a pan-European network of clinical centers for pharmacology education and neonatal/pediatric clinical trials.

Charles University will take part in the project by engaging in a network of clinical centers, pharmacological research in pediatrics and neonatology, including the support of scientific advice c4c and its links with CzechPharmNet, and an educational module aimed at creating an integrated education system for all involved in pediatric clinical trials.


The project calls upon all workplaces in the Czech and Slovak Republics to cooperate in the field of neonatal/pediatric clinical pharmacology

February 2025
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Contact Us

MUDr. Pokorná Pavla Ph.D.: pavla.pokorna@vfn.cz; pokornakarlov@seznam.cz

Prof. MUDr. Slanař Ondřej Ph.D.: oslan@lf1.cuni.cz