LXVIII. Pharmacological days 2018 Hradec Králové ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** On the 5th – 7th of September 2018, the LXVIII. Czechoslovak days of pharmacology took pla Educational centre at the University Hospital in Hradec Králové, where the c4c project was through a poster. You can have a look at this poster at the end of this article. The Czechoslovak days of pharmacology is a tradional annual congress of Czech and Slovak p This tradion is very appreciated by the pharmacological public and the organisers believe Czechoslovak days of pharmacology were a great opportunity to extend everyone’s profession but also to enjoy many pleasant meetings with the respresentatives of Czech and Slovak pha toxicology. The professional programme of the 68th Czechoslovak days of pharmacology was focused on on cellular and molecular pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, toxicology and experimental ph